Dr. William Kellas

Dr William KellasFounder, William R Kellas PhD was raised in Detroit, Michigan until the age of 12 when he and his family moved to Southern California. In college his major was pre-med physics. During his studies he began to see that medicine was becoming more directed toward drug treatment and technology than hands on and solving health problems. Disillusioned, he changed his major to Business.

After graduating from college he had a successful career in the computer business. However during those years he began to realize there was something very wrong with his health.

In the 70’s he was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis. He was told he would probably end up in a wheelchair. This determined kid from Detroit decided to learn about his disease and began a quest to get well by returning to school.

Alternative treatments and studying biochemistry, developed a deeper understanding of how the body works and over time, he regained his health. Through his pain, compassion and his desire to help others led to the opening the Comprehensive Health Centers in Encinitas, California in 1987. A few years later he and his partner, Dr. Mark Drucker established an integrated alternative medical center that became Center for Advanced Medicine.

For over 20 years, Dr. Kellas has hosted a syndicated radio talk show in the Southern California area, called “Health Talk – A Second Opinion.” He has also been a guest on major radio and television shows around the country. He is also a regular guest on Frank Jordan’s nationally syndicated talk show, “Healthy, Wealthy and Wise” on Thursday afternoons.

Dr. William R. Kellas (Bill) is a graduate of the University of Southern California with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration and a minor in Physics. He received his Ph. D. in Nutritional Biochemistry from Doctor’s University of Natural Health Sciences and is a N.D. candidate.

Dr. Kellas is the author of three books, Toxic Immune Syndrome Cookbook, Thriving in a Toxic World and Surviving the Toxic Crisis.

When he’s not helping someone get well, you will find him with a guitar in his hands or playing with his grandchildren.

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