

What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a major aspect of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which has been in use for millennia. The basic premise of acupuncture and acupressure is that a blocked flow of energy within the body causes impaired function of body systems. The treatments seek to restore proper energy flow and balance to the body so it can more effectively heal itself.

How is acupuncture done?

Acupuncture consists of inserting hair-thin needles into specific acupuncture points that lie along a system of twelve meridians. The needles are so thin that there is typically little or no pain on insertion. These needles stimulate or balance the associated organs, or block impulses in the case of pain. One or several needles can be used in a particular treatment, and the needles can be left in from a few seconds to 45 minutes. Acupressure involves stimulating the same points to the same ends by fingertip pressure on these points rather than needles.

Benefits of acupuncture

Since it is imbalance and blocked energy flow that is treated rather than specific ailments, acupuncture can theoretically provide relief for many ailments or diseases. One of the best known uses of acupuncture is the relief of pain, either existing pain or anticipated pain such as that of surgery or dental work; acupuncture appears to stimulate the release of endorphins, the body’s natural pain-killing substances. Other uses include relief of fatigue, dizziness, alcohol and other drug addictions, ulcers, PMS, and others.

Acupuncture is most effective when integrated with other modalities in a treatment plan. For instance, if a patient has an infected tooth or heavy metals the acupuncture will not get rid of the root problem. However once these problems are eliminated acupuncture can be very effective to open up blocked pathways.

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