From the Desk of Dr. LaBeau:

Sugar cravings? Consider this article from the Life Extension Magazine.

“The conclusion of a study described recently in JAMA Internal Medicine suggests that adding sugar to the diet could significantly increase the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death in the developed world.*

Researchers at the CDC evaluated data from participants in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES) of the US population. While 71.4% of adults consumed at least 10% or more of the calories from added sugar during 2005-2010, sugar counted for at least 25% of the calories among 10% of the group. When the researchers examined the association between added sugar and the risk of cardiovascular death over a median 14.6 years of follow up, subjects whose intake was among the top one-fifth of participants had an adjusted risk that was twice that of participants whose intake was among the lowest fifth.”


Sugar has consistently increased in the American diet and along with its major contribution to obesity, is the primary cause of inflammatory diseases (i.e.: heart disease, diabetes, PMS and arthritis). The best way we have found to control your “sugar cravings” is going through either an 8-Day Cleansing Diet or a modified 21 day low sugar diet. If you have been unsuccessful in the past or have health problems then have a doctor tailor a program specific to your needs better ensures success.

Mark H. LaBeau, D.O.


*JAMA Int Med. 2014 Feb 3.

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