Heather Gervasi, Practice Administrator/Microcurrent Technician

Heather Gervasi joined Center for Advanced Medicine (CAM) in November 2017 after demonstrating her electrotherapy technique on Dr. William Kellas, co-founder of Center for Advanced Medicine, who was suffering from foot pain from neuropathy and MRSA, a bacterium that causes infections in different parts of the body. Outstanding results from this interactive microcurrent treatment propelled her immediately into Clinic to work under the supervision of doctors on CAM patients also suffering from MRSA and/or inflammatory autoimmune conditions. Her adjunct therapy and modified protocols designed to repair damage to nerves, connective tissue, muscle, ligament and bone compliments CAM’s offering of advanced personalized integrative medicine and protocols.

Three months later, she was promoted to practice administrator—responsible for efficiency, sustainability and profitability of Clinic, which she enjoys to date. According to Heather, an overcomer of Multiple Sclerosis, her work is her “ministry” and an opportunity to encourage others towards natural integrative medicine and immune health supporting therapies designed to help the body as it is brilliantly designed to heal itself. She enjoys working with her Team—and does so with passion and positivity.

Heather’s pre-CAM days include a 25-year history of sales and marketing and entrepreneurial success. Between June 2000 and January 2003, she worked as feature story writer and sales support to a biweekly entertainment magazine, Entertainer & Lifestyle Magazine, based in Del Mar, California. This entertainment publication featured dynamic San Diego and nationally recognized personalities.  She increased revenue by 20% with riveting human interest stories that increased appeal and readership.

From February 2002 to May 2011, Heather worked as the Senior Sales Executive/Editor for a Carlsbad-based award-winning whey protein powder company, Jay Robb Enterprises, Inc., where she earned Top Sales Earner status for nine consecutive years and generated over $54 million in revenues. Her love for helping individuals led to the publishing of over a dozen fitness-related books with owner Jay Robb and acquisition of over 3,000 clients—to include Whole Foods, GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Harris Teeter and The Kroger Corporation.

Trusting in God and believing that all things happen for a reason, when Heather was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis on April 23, 2009, she opted to not follow traditional western medicine practices that required her to take dangerous drugs for the duration of her life and began her natural healing journey where she was eventually led to a clinic like CAM that focused on identifying the root cause of disease, which led to the discovery of the cause of her MS symptoms. This process took time; however, once identified, she followed her doctor’s orders and watched her symptoms of pain, brain fog, jumbled words, burning sensation in arms and spine, discomfort standing and walking and an overall feeling of fatigue totally disappear.

After her complete recovery and in March of 2014, she was hired as Sales & Marketing Director/Senior Editor for Intelligent Bioenergetics Inc., aka IntellBio—distributor of advanced interactive electromedicine devices—with the goal of bringing their lead product, Electro-Equiscope, into a medical clinic (which she accomplished in 2018 when she joined Center for Advanced Medicine, an integrative medical office). Prior to that, the device was sold predominantly to pro- and elite athletes,  and owners of horses for recreation and competitive racing.

After launching IntellBio’s website and redesigning their clinical and equine technical training books, Heather was sponsored and put through their technician training course to become an Electro-Equiscope Technician, which led to an invitation to work for two years under the supervision of Daniel F. Farrier, MD, Emergency Medicine Specialist, serving as Head of the Medical Advisory Board for IntellBio.

Heather is happily married and lives in Encinitas with her husband Johnny, who enjoys playing baseball, studying God’s Word and sharing Heather’s love of caring for others.

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