From the Desk of Dr. LaBeau:
This is an interesting article on the benefits of “Good Fats” from Life Extension magazine, May/June 2014:
“The results of a meta-analysis published in the journal Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases reveal a reduction in the risk of dying from cardiac or any other cause among coronary heart disease patients supplemented with omega-3 fatty acids in trials ranging from less than three months to 4.6 years.*
Researchers at Nanjing University selected fourteen clinical trials involving a total of 16, 318 participants randomized to receive a placebo and 16, 338 subjects given the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and/or DHA that evaluated the supplements’ effects on cardiovascular events, cardiac death, sudden cardiac death, or death from any cause. Those who received the fatty acids had a 12% lower average risk of dying from cardiac causes, a 14% lower risk of sudden cardiac death and an 8% lower risk of death from any cause over follow-up in comparison with subjects who received a placebo.”
The use of omega fish oils is primarily beneficial for those making initial dietary changes replacing heated processed oils (ie: trans fats). Adding the omega-3 fish oils increases the “good” HDL fats, while avoiding the processed oils helps lower the “bad” LDL fats. At the Center, we follow the patient’s cholesterol blood test to determine how much fish oils are appropriate and help those who are on cholesterol lowering medication to wean off their medications.
For those individuals that have a strong family history or risk factors of heart disease, a more in depth evaluation is suggested such as the Singulex Test. Here we look at various factors seen to cause inflammation of the heart and blood vessels. Additionally, other metabolic factors like Vitamin D deficiency, thyroid imbalance and diabetes are evaluated that increase risk of heart disease. We recommend a yearly screening blood test and during an office visit can help you determine which test best fits your needs.
Mark H. LaBeau D.O.
*Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2013 Dec 25