Feb 15, 2013 | Ask The Doctors, Uncategorized
Can Chiropractic Treatment Help You Detox? Chiropractic and Applied Kinesiology are very important partners in helping the body to detoxify. When the body is structurally aligned the...
Nov 5, 2012 | Ask The Doctors, Uncategorized
I Can’t Eat…How Can I Enjoy Thanksgiving Dinner? Thanksgiving Holiday is a wonderful time of year to celebrate with family and friends. I love the all the preparation, pumpkins on the porch, setting the table with beautiful china, planning the meal, and mostly...
Sep 24, 2012 | Ask The Doctors, Uncategorized
Are you one of the 50%, and should you be? As many as half of the people in the US take some kind of nutritional supplements, and you might well be one of them. Or maybe you should be one of them. Do you really need to take supplements, and why, and when, and how?...